.Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Estudo interessante que avalia o efeito de ficar em pé sobre o gradiente na via de saída.
The patient was then asked to stand, and after 2 minutes of equilibration Doppler gradient was acquired over the next minute. To facilitate imaging while standing, the sonographer positioned the patient's left arm on the patient's head. This opened rib spaces and improved imaging.
Standing gradients were not difficult to acquire; acceptable traces were obtained in 98% of patients attempted by an experienced sonographer.
Conclusion: Although standing increased gradients by 76%, it is not as potent a provocative maneuver as Valsalva or treadmill exercise. Nevertheless, standing is recommended as a physiologic provocative maneuver. In some patients standing may guide therapy; in others, the standing and exercise gradient provide a correct appreciation of the range of physiologically experienced gradients during daily upright activity.