terça-feira, outubro 25, 2011

Eco na UTI: Vscan na boca dos outros.

Diagnostic influence of cardiovascular screening by pocket-size ultrasound in a cardiac unit
Overall, the pUS screening had a sensitivity and specificity with respect to detecting at least moderate pathology of 97 and 93%. Positive and negative predictive values were 93 and 87%, respectively. In the sub-group of subjects with a change in the primary diagnosis following pUS there was no false-negative or false-positive findings.The cardiovascular screening was performed with a pUS, Vscan (GE Vingmed Ultrasound, Horten, Norway).

Conclusion Screening by pUS assessed vascular and cardiac anatomy and function accurately and enabled correction of the diagnosis in 16% of patients admitted to a cardiac unit. In 55% of the participants, the cardiovascular ultrasound screening had important diagnostic influence.
Quem está falando?
Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Um comentário:

  1. Acabámos de ser prendados com um "brinquedo" destes no hospital.

    Mais "55% de doentes" com sorte.


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