quarta-feira, janeiro 21, 2009

Você está pronto para o 3D de rotina?

Real-Time 3-Dimensional Echocardiography: An Integral Component of the Routine Echocardiographic Examination in Adult Patients?
Circulation Volume 119(2), 20 January 2009, pp 314-329
"Currently, many laboratories perform a complete 2DE study, followed by a focused 3D examination, in patients with specific pathologies in which RT3DE imaging could potentially provide additional diagnostic information. It can be anticipated that a full-volume acquisition of the left ventricle will be performed in every patient to obtain LV volumes and EF. The 3D images should be stored in a digital archiving system with the 2D study to allow integrated interpretation of all images and incorporation of 3D findings into the report.

Future advances in transducer and computer technology will result in several important improvements that will further enhance the clinical application of RT3DE imaging. One highly desirable improvement is the ability to acquire wider-angle pyramid of data with and without color flow in a single cardiac cycle. This will shorten data acquisition and eliminate stitching artifacts. Furthermore, future improvements in both spatial resolution and temporal resolution of the transthoracic RT3DE imaging, which are still below those of 2DE, will broaden the spectrum of patients who can be imaged with this modality. Further miniaturization of the 3D MTEE technology will allow 3D TEE imaging in pediatric patients and the development of real-time 3D imaging intracardiac catheters. Future software developments will allow new types of sophisticated quantitative analysis of the cardiovascular anatomy and function, including the fusion of RT3DE data with other 3D imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography."

A pergunta não é se o 3D já está pronto, e sim se nós estamos prontos para o 3D.
Insisto que usar o 3D após o exame em 2D é um erro, e prejudica a ampla diusão do método.
É para usar o 3D do início ao fim.

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