quarta-feira, agosto 22, 2007

Stent "descoberto"

Vamos precisar mudar o nome do Stent recoberto.
No artigo
"Serial Angioscopic Evidence of Incomplete Neointimal Coverage After Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Implantation"
Comparison With Bare-Metal Stents .
Circulation. 2007;116:910-916

Conclusions— Serial angioscopic findings up to 2 years after SES implantation were markedly different from those after BMS. Neointimal coverage was completed by 3 to 6 months in BMS. In contrast, SES demonstrated the presence of thrombi and yellow plaques even as much as 2 years after implantation.

Vemos por angioscopia como o stent farmacológico interfere na camada que deveria revesti-lo e assim, isolá-lo do contato com o sangue.

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