quarta-feira, maio 16, 2012

Muito além da imagem de movimento

Integrated backscatter as a fibrosis marker in the metabolic syndrome: association with biochemical evidence of fibrosis and left ventricular dysfunction
 Conclusion Myocardial echodensity is a stronger correlate of LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction in MS, than circulating procollagen peptides. Both fibrosis and LV function abnormalities are increased at a higher waist-to-hip ratio, which might provide a rationale for the implementation of intensified therapy in this subset of patients.
 An important finding is that the relation between average reflectivity and deformation is different in subgroups with a different amount of circulating fibrosis markers. This suggests that both might have a different relation to fibrosis in the wall. .
. Para entender o assunto acima, leia aqui.
 Agora a ecocardiografia quer ir além de imagens com alta resolução temporal.
 Vamos atrás dos tecidos!

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