quarta-feira, maio 20, 2009

Dor torácica? Interna e gasta sem precisar...

Figure 1 Admission diagnoses of 764 patients who presented with acute chest pain in the emergency department before the institution of a dedicated chest pain centre. More than half of the patients were identified as having unspecified “chest pain” and were hospitalised to rule out an acute coronary syndrome. After 2–3 days of in-hospital observation a cardiac origin of complaints was confirmed in only 6% of these patients. AMI, acute myocardial infarction.
From: Th Wackers: Heart, Volume 95(12).June 15, 2009.1023-1030
Vejam no gráfico acima, 53% dos pacientes são internados por dor torácica, na dúvida da origem.
Só 6% deles apresentavam um problema de origem cardíaca.
94% não precisariam de internação.
Local: Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, 06520, USA!!!

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