quarta-feira, dezembro 01, 2010

Nossas coronárias mudam a toda hora.

Change in Coronary Flow Reserve on Transthoracic Doppler Echocardiography after a Single High-Fat Meal in Young Healthy Men

Hozumi, Takeshi MD; Eisenberg, Marc MD; Sugioka, Kenichi MD; Kokkirala, Aravind R. MD; Watanabe, Hiroyuki MD; Teragaki, Masakazu MD; Yoshikawa, Junichi MD; Homma, Shunichi MD
Annals of Internal Medicine
Issue: Volume 136(7), 2 April 2002, pp 523-528
Results: In all men, triglyceride levels increased significantly from baseline 5 hours after the high-fat meal, from 1.1 mmol/L to 2.8 mmol/L (100 mg/dL to 250 mg/dL) (P < 0.001). Average coronary flow reserve was 4.02 before and 3.30 5 hours after the high-fat meal (decrease, 18% [95% CI, 13% to 23%]). In the 5 men who received both meals, mean coronary flow reserve decreased by 0.79 after the high-fat meal and increased by 0.07 after the low-fat meal (difference, -0.86 [CI, -1.36 to -0.37]; P = 0.03). Mean triglyceride levels increased by 1.6 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) after the high-fat meal and 0.1 mmol/L (10 mg/dL) after the low-fat meal (difference, 1.5 mmol/L [CI, 0.3 to 2.7 mmol/L], 130 mg/dL [CI, 23 to 236 mg/dL]; P= 0.03).
Conclusions: Coronary flow reserve decreased after a single high-fat meal in young healthy men. High-fat meals may be detrimental to coronary microcirculation.
Estudo com Eco demontra perda da reserva coronária com a alimentação rica em gorduras.
Daí alguns pacientes descreverem limiares para Angina diferentes no mesmo dia ou semana.

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