Mookadam, Farouk MD; Jiamsripong, Panupong MD; Goel, Ramil MD; Warsame, Tahlil A. BSc; Emani, Usha R. MD; Khandheria, Bijoy K. MD
Artigo disponível via para sócios (Vale a pena ser sócio)
“McConnell sign” is useful to differentiate patients with an acute PE from those with pulmonary hypertension secondary to other causes, such as primary pulmonary hypertension, with a sensitivity of 77%, specificity of 94%, a positive predictive value of 71%, and a negative predictive value of 96%. McConnell sign is present when normal contraction or sparing of the RV apex with hypokinesis of the midportion of the RV free wall occurs
Veja quantos sinais são possivelmente encontrados na Embolia Pulmonar.
O preferido é o McConnel, procure por ele.
Até por que, esse McConnel é muito bom.
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