quarta-feira, junho 01, 2011

Disfunção diastólica e/ou sistólica 1

Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure Are Overlapping Phenotypes Within the Heart Failure Spectrum
Investigators who merely perceive the ends of this spectrum, influenced by the design of clinical trials and by the relevant evidence-based clinical differences, may be unfamiliar with this spectrum view, and instead favor a binary view. However, the latter view lacks a conceptual background. In addition, it is contradicted by recent reductionist analyses, provided that the data be analyzed without selection biases. Importantly, the debate about adopting a binary or a spectrum view of HF is becoming obsolete. Integrative sciences, which complement reductionist sciences, have unveiled the existence of disease networks in which it becomes difficult, and perhaps even irrelevant, to define disease entities.
Artigo interessante, colocando as disfunções no mesmo coração, sem divisão em sistólica e diastólica.
Vale a pena ler nesse momento em que as novas tecnologias elevaram a diástole a "arte".
Como um quadro, a pintura da diástole é sobre um esboço da sístole.

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