quarta-feira, março 10, 2010

Seu transdutor está funcionando bem?

High incidence of defective ultrasound transducers in use in routine clinical practice
Estudo feito na Suécia!
Methods and results The study comprised a one-time test of 676 transducers from 7 manufacturers which were in daily use in clinical departments at 32 hospitals. They were tested with the Sonora FirstCall Test System; 39.8% exhibited a transducer error. Delamination was detected in 26.5% and break in the cable was detected in 8.4% of the tested transducers. Errors originating from the piezoelectrical elements were unusual. Delamination and short circuit occurred without significant differences between transducers from all tested manufacturers, but the errors break in the cable, weak and dead element showed a statistically significant higher frequency in transducers from certain manufacturers.

Conclusion The high error frequency and the risk for incorrect medical decisions when using a defective transducer indicate an urgent need for increased testing of the transducers in clinical departments.
Estudo mostra que 40% dos transdutores de serviços médicos na Suécia apresentavam defeito!
E demonstra que esses defeitos levaram a erros de diagnóstico(foto).
No Brasil, existem milhares de aparelhos muito mais velhos que os da Suécia, sendo usados na rotina.
Qual fatia deles realmente está em ordem?

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